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Empowering Citizen Journalists

The project „Empowering Citizen journalists: Enhancing Access to Diverse Information in Tbilisi and Seven Regions“ aims to foster greater access to diverse information by actively engaging citizen journalists and observers from various regions in election observation and media coverage. The initiative seeks to promote transparency within the democratic process, while cultivating a culture of civic engagement and active participation among youth. Key activities under this project include: Training sessions, developing guidelines for citizen journalists, available in Georgian, English, Azerbaijani, and Armenian, producing podcasts and documentaries, hosting discussions using the “World Café” format, promoting dialogue and collaboration between media professionals and citizen journalists.

The project is implemented with the support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

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Solidarity Journalism: Children are NOT born with Prejudices

In partnership with „Media Voice” the project "Children Are Not Born with Prejudices” is implemented in Tbilisi and regions in 2022-23 years. The goal of the project is to change the stereotypes, vision, and attitudes in society toward people with disabilities. The project " Children Are Not Born with Prejudices " is implemented by Glada Hudik-teatern («Teatr Glady Hudik»),  financed by the «Swedish Institute» (total amount of support: 4,000 Euros). In frame of the project “Media Voice” organizes trainings for journalists and students with focus on Solidarity Journalism, movie-screenings and discussion. 

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History keepers for Peace and Security 

"History Keepers" is making strides on a regional scale, focusing on Georgia and Ukraine. This project is dedicated to fortifying the resilience of democratic values in Georgian and Ukrainian media and civic organizations while combating disinformation that targets specific topics of history and vulnerable communities. Throughout 2023-24, "Media Voice" partners include TV Formula and the program "Droeba" (Georgia) Tbilisi State University (Georgia), the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Totem – Center of Cultural Development in Ukraine, and the Solidarity Foundation "Nantius" (Georgia). 

The project's activities for 2023-24 are as follows: 

  • producing two documentaries;

  • publishing academic blogs in Georgia and Ukraine;

  • Seminars and webinars for journalists and youth; 

  • revealing and awarding "History Keepers" in Georgia and Ukraine; 

This project is funded by the European Union as part of its Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship Programme, EaP Fellow is Mariam Gersamia (founder of media Voice). Total amount of fellowship is 10,500 Euros. 

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Media Environment Studies

In partnership with academia (Tbilisi State University and University of Georgia) „Media Voice” conducts annual media environment studies from 2021. The study encompasses findings from focus-group discussions, desk research and recommendations.


The project entitled "Media Environment: Threats and Supportive Instruments during Political Polarization and Crisis” is supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus Office. 

Solidarity Journalism for Inclusion  

Media people must be well-informed and capable of effectively cover topics concerning individuals with disabilities. This is crucial since the media plays a significant role in creating public awareness, facilitating access to information, and promoting inclusivity. The initiative aims to enhance the media's ability to positively impact the lives of those with disabilities and promote their right to freedom of expression; The goal of the project is to challenge preconceived notions about individuals with disabilities and enhance public consciousness via ethical media coverage, by promoting the ideals of solidarity journalism and fostering more inclusivity.


Our partners are: the network of parents of people with mental health problems and intellectual disabilities "Coalition Movement for Change" and Georgian Down Syndrome Association.  Activities for 2024 are as it follows:


  • Guideline for journalists will be published (backed with research) and include both print and video formats, that will provide clear instructions on how to ethically report on topics related to handicapped individuals. These guidelines will also be translated into Armenian and Azerbaijani languages;

  • Trainings and discussions for journalists in Tbilisi and regions (Imereti, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Adjara, Kakheti, Shida Kartli, Samegrelo, and Kvemo Kartli) will be conducted;

  • A contest for journalists will be announced, which will reveal the best journalistic materials about disabled people;


The project is implemented with the support of the "European Foundation"


Appreciation is extended to Lisa Ghlonti and the 11-year-old artist Ana Kalandia for their creative contributions. Collectively, we have the ability to End The Stereotypes!

Trainings for Journalists from Sauth Caucasus

In Cooperation with Friedrich Naumann Foundation and IDEM (Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange), MCERC conducted trainings for 45 journalists from the South Caucasus (2016-2018). In the frame of this project, MCERC members participated in preparing the textbooks for journalists. Trainings covered the topics as it follows:

·       “Covering business, finances, and economics”

·       “Covering European values and Institutions”

·       “Covering crisis and conflicts”

Participants represented media organizations from Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Selected members were awarded an educational tour in Germany (Berlin and Potsdam).


The activities were implemented by Friedrich Naumann Foundation and IDEM (Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange).  

Media Voice: Less Self-censorship, More Freedom in Media 

Project "Media Voice: Less Self-censorship, more freedom in media" promotes freedom of expression by building media viability and resilience against self-censorship and fear through capacity building of media workers and empowering supportive media environment.


The objectives of project “Media Voice” are to strengthen the supportive media environment by developing solidarity journalism, building a solidarity network and reducing polarisation among media workers; the project aims to enhance journalists’ competencies in covering topics, which are related to human rights without fear and self-censorship, more accurately.


A variety of the following activities are planned nationwide as part of the “Media Voice” project, throughout 2022-2023 (till March): trainings and seminars, forums, solidarity events and discussions, public awareness campaigns.


Within the frame of the project, MCERC is cooperating with different media outlets and higher educational institutions. TSU International Law Institute (Jean Monet Chair / UEUPE), The University Of Georgia and online media "Publika" are the main partners of the project.


The project "Media Voice: More Freedom, Less Self-censorship" is implemented with the support of Embassy of the Netherlands in Georgia. Total amount of support is 194,701 Gel.

Solidarity Journalism for Peace and Security 

MCERC launches a new project "Solidarity Journalism for Peace and Security" under the series of "History Keepers",

funded by the European Union within its Eastern partnership Civil Society Fellowship Programme. Total amount of fellowship is 5,000 Euros. 


The goals of the project are:

  • To create a supportive network between Georgian and Ukrainian civically minded citizens and raise awareness on media coverage of vulnerable groups from Ukraine and about History of Ukraine.

  • To counter the disinformation campaigns from Russia include mis-use of history of Ukraine, violation of human rights and targets vulnerable groups.

  • To stimulate solidarity journalism - accurate coverage of vulnerable groups from Ukraine (IDPs and refugees), raise awareness of journalists and civic activists about Ukrainian history and mitigate directly disinformation about Ukraine.


Activities in 2022 are as it follows:

  • To conduct workshops for journalists about history of Ukraine and solidarity journalism;

  • To conduct discussions among journalists and civically minded citizens from Georgia and Ukraine;

  • To create podcasts on History of Ukraine and disinformation campaigns;

  • To write academic blogs about history of Ukraine and disinformation campaigns;

  • To implement educational modules in the HEIs on solidarity journalism.

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Media criticism: Young Journalists for Media Empowering

The goal of the project – “Media criticism: Young Journalists for Media Empowering’’ was to promote the development of media critics and media literacy; creating and developing new platforms for discussing media urgent issues (such as countering disinformation and fake news, reducing hate speech and stereotypes, covering sensitive issues, etc.); promoting collaborative innovative projects between beginners and professional journalists (mentors); extending professional networks for the beginner journalists; improvement of the quality of media by professional criticism. in the frame of the project, entry-level journalists have created stories with an emphasis on media critics and media literacy, and the best ones were awarded by the jury. 

The project was implemented by MCERC in 2016 by supporting and funding Deutsche Welle Akiademie.

South Caucasus International Conference SCC

The international conference entitled „New Standards and Approaches in Journalism Education, Media, and Mass Communication Studies” was held at the Caucasus School of media in 2016. 

More than 30 participants from Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan presented papers focused on the following topics:

  • Journalism education: new teaching methods and standards;

  • Challenges in journalism curricula: discovering best practices;

  • Accreditation of J-schools:

  • Quality issues; Academia, labor market and employment in media;

  • Transfer of practical knowledge in education;

  • Journalistic ethics and media law, etc.

The conference was organized by MCERC, funded by DW Akademie and supported by the Caucasus school of media.

Journalism Textbooks 

Friedrich Naumann Foundation in cooperation with Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange (IDEM), Media and Communication Educational Center (MCERC) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, presented new textbooks for journalists. Textbooks are written in four languages and can be downloaded from the link 

SAFE Media environment 

In Cooperation with Friedrich Naumann Foundation in South Caucasus and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Germany, MCERC implements a project entitled “S.A.F.E media environment: Chellenges of covering crisis and demonstrations in pre-and-post election period”.  


The project aims at raising awareness on journalists’ safety risks in media organizations, and creating safety and supportive media environment in pre-and-post election period. Therefore, objectives of the project are to identify tools for reducing safety risks for journalists during pre-and-post election period in Georgia; to build supportive online and offline media environment and improve/promote solidarity among media workers.  


For meeting the objectives, MCERC has conducted the research entitled "Media Environment before and After 2021 Elections: Threats and Supportive Instruments" which identified situational perspective (2021) of online and offline media environment, challenges and safety risks media workers face during the pre-& post-election period. In addition, with generous support of Naumann Foundation media solidarity events have been organised.

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